Songbirds / الطيور المغردة
Bradford Friendship Choir
Written in collaboration with Bradford Friendship Choir, Michael Betteridge and Ali Al-Jamri
“melodies ringing
in soaring flight
guide us, horizon,
to newer delights”
Bradford Friendship Choir is a community of singers who support, and include, refugees and people seeking asylum. Their Voices Weaving project touches on themes of birdsong and taking flight, using English, Farsi and Arabic, languages spoken by many of the choir members, to share a story of optimism through poetry and song. The text was written in collaboration with Ali Al-Jamri, and the music was composed in collaboration with Michael Betteridge.
“It has shown that people from different walks of life can come together and be creative and build good energy.”
The music video, captured as part of the process, shows members of the choir writing lines of poetry in their native languages, intertwining musical notes with text and creating a tapestry of lyrics on a huge white circle of paper.
“Working across multiple languages gave me a much better understanding of what it must be like to communicate using a language that isn't your first language.”
SONGBIRDS / الطيور المغردة
once we were songbirds
singing from trees
musical mornings
rhymes of light
spring has come early
take flight with the breeze
quickly, come quickly
follow me!
نغرِّد كالطيرِ فوقَ الجبال
نحلِّقُ في سماواتِ الضياء
ولحنُ أصواتُنا يفرِحُ الأرواح
تهبُّ ريشتي إليك في الهواء
still we are songbirds
singing from heights
melodies ringing
in soaring flight
guide us, horizon,
to newer delights
approaching summer
follow me!
يرفرفُ قلبٌ، قلبُ الجمالِ
عند مجيءِ ظلالِ الشتاء
وسحرٌ شجيٌ يدفئَ الحزينَ
كنورِ البدرِ من أعلى الفضاء
our wings set the beat
the sky is the drum
memories echo
in distant flight
sunshine has faded
the trees shed their songs
promise me tulips
with spring, return
Creative Team Credits
Composer, Michael Betteridge
Poet, Ali Al-Jamri
Movement Director, Ruth Jones
Filmmaker, Luca Rudlin
Sound Engineer, Johnny Woodhead
Creative Producer, Holly Hunter